Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Ubuntu Philosophy
“A person with Ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed.”
“One of the sayings in our country is Ubuntu - the essence of being human. Ubuntu speaks particularly about the fact that you can't exist as a human being in isolation. It speaks about our interconnectedness. You can't be human all by yourself, and when you have this quality - Ubuntu - you are known for your generosity.
We think of ourselves far too frequently as just individuals, separated from one another, whereas you are connected and what you do affects the whole world. When you do well, it spreads out; it is for the whole of humanity."
To wrap things up: I won't be writing on the blog much more, because I will be in transit more than usual. But still checking emails.
If you were wondering, the Comrades winner this year finished in something like 5 hours 23 minutes and 26 seconds.
The exchange rate has dropped tremendously since we arrived in January. It is now under 8 rand to the dollar. We are trying to tell ourselves that we just got lucky in the beginning!
What else?!
I am excited to go off travelling, and will look forward to catching up with you in July :)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Warm Winter

Two exams down, two to go. It is sad saying goodbye to friends I have made in class. Some people have been at home for the last week or so, and are just returning the days of their exams, so, we say goodbye upon finishing the test. And then there are the friends in the dorms, we still see each other all this week, but, man Friday is coming up fast.

Thursday was a study day. And on Friday I wrote the Virology test, and then gave a presentation. Both of which went alright. It was neat to hear all the other students’ presentations but the whole thing took more than 4 hours and we didn’t break in between anywhere! The presentations were all about our community service and individual research projects. Many people, myself included used powerpoints—but the power outlets didn’t work, so we had to just show off of a laptop, not the same. I was impressed that our professor managed to stay seated in the same chair that whole 4 hours! I was getting antsy.
Saturday we hung out around here then studied at a local coffee place, Bread Ahead, probably go back there today, in fact. The owner is a nice guy, he's always there. They make all the pastries you could ever dream of.
So that leaves me at today, Sunday. Still thinking about saying the goodbyes on Friday. Can’t believe it is so soon.
I am going to be traveling (with two other friends) a little bit after the exams period: to Kruger Park, then to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, then to the Okavango River, where it floods the Kalahari Desert, then to the sand dunes in Namibia, and a couple big cities, like Windhoek. I will fly home from JoBurg on the 2nd of July. If you have suggestions about anything, parks to see or cities to hit, please don’t hesitate to send a note: shellbell@berkeley.edu
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Crime and Violence
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Study Break
Thursday was spent with some friends, just hanging out, studying a bit. Did some music swapping, really exciting to get new South African pop music, actually.
We went to Durban for the day on Friday, did a bit of shopping in the Indian (actually this would describe a large portion of Durban) part of town, Victoria St. Market and Workshop (Photo here of Kerry and Laurin at the Workshop area). In the afternoon, I went the beach with the intention of watching my friend learn to surf, but I ended up thinking, that is sooo easy, I could do that…so, I did try to surf, and man was that tough, frustrating! It was not till I got off the waves that I realized it IS really a cool thing to do. Just you and the natural tide, each wave is different so you never get bored. No boat needed (like waterskiing!!!), no snow needed (snow boarding), all you need is a board and the ocean, peaceful.
Last night We went to The Royal Show, past the main part of down, in the city showgrounds. It was like a county fair, it is going on all this week and last night was like the opening show night, a few opening bands performed then the headliner, Prime Circle came on (they are the hottest band here in South Africa and apparently one of their songs just went International, listen for it J ). Have to say, not my kind of music, punk-rock, but it was a cool experience to see how South Africans celebrate their music. Show aside, the fair grounds were fun, lots of advertising, lots of high school kids, a few rides, a few festive food stands, and during the day the shows range from cattle and horses and dogs to motorbikes jumping cars. After the show, the after party was at the local dance club, Crowded House, and that was jam packed with better music and dancing.
This morning, Sunday the 24th, was the Comrades Marathon, which has been going on for decades, it is a foot race between Pietermaritzburg and Durban, each year the direction alternates. This year it began here and ended in Durban. It is something like 55+ miles, more than twice a marathon!! And people actually finish, a whole lot of people in fact. This morning we walked down to town and saw the start, at 5:30AM. My friend Laurin joined in and ran the first 10k and back for fun. It was incredible to watch, 15,000 people went by, which took about 10 minutes, and that was at the start line! On TV we watched as the first runners came in, at 5 hours and 30 minutes or so, the female winners (for the last 6 of 9 years, in fact) were a pair of twins from Russia (32 yrs old). People come from all over this week to enter in this marathon. People do die from running it. Crazy. By the way, a lot of people just take it ‘easy’ and walk a good portion of it, just to say they did it, it takes them more like 11+ hours. It would be cool to say I did it someday. It is a big deal around here, there are many people that have done it for 15+ years, like addicts! But I say good for them. After watching the start this morning I went back to sleep for a while and studied more. Then my friend Mosima and I tried to imitate our favorite curry place’s food, we made our own bunny chow and I gotta say we were so excited--And Mosima loves taking pictures, so we can brag, basically, and well I have included a fair share of the photos...Good as the curry place in town, if not better. It was like a chicken curry stew we made, hot and spicy with veggies in it, then we scooped it into quarter loaves of bread and ate up. Mosima makes a good stew—she’s writing up the recipe for me to take back.
Alright, back to studying for us, there is a building on campus open 24/7, so as it is now past midnight, that is where we are headed to read for a while. And tomorrow, who knows? maybe some more studying?! And get the final results of the Comrades Marathon...how many people made it to the end? How many people made it under 8 hours? Ya, should be interesting news. To be honest, watching it on TV is like as exciting as the Olympics, at least the first few batches of people who are running all out...then the walkers are not as neat to watch, but still incredible to believe these people went so far in one day. Oh, and my friends recently told me that the marathon was started to commemorate the victims of WWII. It has been going on for 80 plus years. It supposedly is the worlds longest and oldest run!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Last day of classes
Wednesday. Sunny out, going to a luncheon put on by some Food Management students in my Agric Dept. There is a luncheon or two a month, where the students have to prepare a themed, three course meal for 40-50 people, plan, write menus, purchase, cook, and serve, all for a grade. I am excited to see how it goes, it will be the first one I have attended. The theme is Mexican, I am curious how well they pull it off. Already saw some decorations...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
SOPD, Edendale Hospital
So, that was all day Sunday. While it was busy, and long lines of patients (really, I would call them more like victims), and just crazy, I was told by the nurses that Friday and Saturday nights are much more hectic. Well, well. I guess next it would be cool to see a private hospital here, there is supposed to be a huge gap in how the two compare.
Saturday I walked into town with my buddies Laurin and Kerry. We checked out a really cool art museum, Tatham Art Gallery. I am going back there before I leave, there was all kinds of mixed media, painting, beading, collage, print making, photos, you name it, nice place. Unfortunately we forgot that shops close early on Saturdays, 2:30pm, so we didn't do much shopping, that's okay, we don't need to buy much, just browse. Downtown was pretty dead after 3, though. We ate at our Curry place and then walked on back. I have included some sweet pictures from downtown, the clock tower, and a statue of Gandhi.
I forgot to mention that Saturday was Open Day, a day when high schools from all around the area bring bus loads of students to UKZN PMB to check it out (i.e. super chaotic on campus, and a hence a good day to go to town). Girls and boys dress up in their school uniforms and look really nice and stroll around the campus and ask questions to all the departments who have set up tents of information. Plus the art students do some demos, and there is free ice cream. Like Cal Day at Berkeley.
So, this is the last few days of classes, we are out on Wednesday, then we have a study week, then exams. It is weird to think that a semester has gone by, seems like it it has been to short to be a semester.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
End of the School Week
I am really excited for this weekend because I am going to the Edendale Hospital to job shadow a doctor I met at an HIV research center nearby the Ubuntu Children's' Centre. I met Dr. Ndaba (Nelly) a week and a half ago, when some of the girls from the center walked me over to the research center, and I ended up learning all about the research they are doing there, with anti microbicide gel. Really fascinating to hear about. But that same day I met the doctor that works at the clinic there, and she said that she works long shifts at the Edendale Hospital. Edendale is a rural, township I guess you could call it, just outside of Pietermaritzburg, the same area the Ubuntu Center is in.
So I have been keeping up with Dr. Ndaba, and she said that I could take my pick, she would be working the 24hr shift on Friday, then again on Sunday, sooo...Sunday I am planning to go out there. I have a taste of what it will be like, cause today was my second time visiting the place, I was supposed to ask permission from the head of surgery, but after waiting and waiting, 2 hours later I couldn't wait any longer and left a note with my info, hope that is okay.
The place is a completely different type of hospital than I have seen before. As I described it to my folks the first time I saw it, it is cross between a train station and a prison. Plus a lot of people (like thousands I am sure, and all those that are waiting outside), I don't know how nurses (a ton) and doctors (3 at a given time) that work there see it, but I hope to find out. It is a public hospital. That is a crucial point. Here, private (for patients with medical aid... NOT the vast majority of people here) hospitals and public (for all others) hospitals mean the difference between life and death, respectfully.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
After the Sleepover
Well, for a brief recap of the weekend: we painted the front sign outside the Center--lots of bright colors and the kids hand prints, some people played monopoly with the kids, we did some coloring activities, tried to tie in some English with the coloring, pretty successful if you ask me. The teenage girls know a bit of English, but the younger girls that are still learning. They know more English than they let on, but still, there is a language barrier for us. And the English comes out at the most unexpected times, the arts and crafts is a good bridge cause I think they use that as a learning tool in school too.
We cooked a bit of meat on the braai pit outside the house and the "moms" cooked us up some traditional pap (corn meal with with water, like porridge, but if your lucky...I think, lard too...), and a green bean and tripe stew on top. We ended the night with Toy Story and a South African comedy, Mr Bones.
In the morning we all got ready for church and walked to a classroom at a school across the way, where we had our own little ceremony, the kids said that was usual for them, small, but sufficient...and we appreciated our mothers--some of us, not all the kids know their mothers--and sang and prayed, in Zulu. But we were guests of the day and treated really nicely, they made us a lunch and they had rehearsed new songs, in English, even.
To tell the truth, I was really uncomfortable and ready to head home by the time we were on our way walking to church, but I am glad I stuck it out. It meant a lot to the kids. The church is a big deal in their lives and to share it with us was really important to them. It is like when you introduce one of your good friends to another one of your good friends.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Saturday Morning
This morning my friend Lauren and I woke up early to watch Kristy complete a half marathon. That is about 13 or so miles! Wow! We thought we were up early, but Kristy had been up since quarter to 5! Well, it was worth it, she ran at like a 7 and a half minute pace, so she crossed the finish line around 8:20am.
Today our class heads out to Ubuntu to have an afternoon plus sleepover with the girls :) Then church with them tomorrow, too.
There is about a week and a half of classes remaining, then a dead week or two. Then EXAMS.
Here, exams count for 67% of your semester mark. Big deal!!
And you have to make a certain "DP" which is the value of all the work you have done up until classes end. If you make DP then you get to write the Exam, if you don't then you have failed the semester (33%) and they won't let you write the Exam. I am nervous cause this is a big deal. Different from back home where the Final is max 50% and that is not so common, even.
I will surely have more photos after this weekend. Have a pleasant Saturday.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Then took the night off. We watched Atonement. It was storming all afternoon and into the evening. Lightening bolts lit up the whole sky at 2 minute intervals. It was perfect to sit in an chill out. But, to be honest, that movie involved a little too much concentration, we agreed that next time, comedy.
This afternoon we go out to Ubuntu CC for a few hours.
We have a sleepover planned with the girls this weekend. I am excited, Magic wants us to treat it as, yes, fun time, but as a time to share with them some knowledge they may not get elsewhere...I am most excited about taking photos from home, a map (I have been trying to teach them the Happy Birthday song in Spanish--and I want to explain that there are specific areas of the world that speak this language...), and hemp to make necklaces.
In the mean time, back to studies. Working on a lab report that covers the entire semester I have had in my virology class: identifying an unknown virus in tobacco plants (its Tobacco Mosaic Virus, TMV).
If there are any questions you guys have about South Africa, please let me know, I am happy to write about more specific issues and look into the answers if I don't already know them. Cheers!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Ubuntu Children's Center
When we go out there (we take a small public bus, a coombi) we help them learn English, we play soccer, we talk with them about what varsity is like (college), and so forth. Last night the older girls actually came to campus and we all had a meeting about where we want to take things from here on, since us volunteers are here only another couple months, and then other students will come. I am preoccupied with how to get some of the local students more involved, so that it would be an ongoing, sustainable volunteering system. We talked with Magic, the Center's director, about fundraising opportunities and weekend gatherings we want to have with the girls in the next couple weeks.
Let me just say that Magic is a star! He founded this center and he continues to be the prominent voice for the center and all the girls. While he does excellent networking around the area, and is greatly assisted, he is just Magical--encouraging, proactive, wise, and street smart. A great leader who we are all learning from.
(soon to come) I have included a picture here from when we were setting up a science experiment with the girls. While, yes, some girls were too young to understand, there were others that were so excited to read aloud the whole 'worksheet' we made up--in English--. Then others were concerned with collecting all the necessary materials (bugs, plants, soil), while others were jazzed that they had a notepad to be responsible over in which they were to record results. It was a good afternoon for learning.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Rowing in Pretoria
On Friday we drove up to the lake, a good 6 or 7 hours, and pitched our tents and cooked up boerwoers on the braii--sausages on the bbq--and hung around the campground, looking at the southern cross, and trying to remember the rest of our astronomy, I bet my neighbor Lynn could tell me(?). The guys tried to get in to mischief, which they did, setting off firecrackers and getting some angry Africaaner guys to come after them...not a good idea...some shouting and slapping followed! Well the campground was definitely our playground for the two nights of the regatta. We had booked three campsites, but ended up smashing all 25 or 30 of us onto one site for the bonding I guess :)
My crew entered a women's eight (placed 2nd) and two women's fours, both my races were Saturday. It was a lot of fun and we were super tired by the end of Saturday. The thing with rowing is there is a lot of carrying. the boats are heavy, and they do not get themselves assembled and in to the water...definitely a process. That afternoon we went to a pub and watched a rugby game on TV, then went back to camp for a mince meat and pasta dinner, and we showed our teammates all about s'mores, yummy. It rained that night, but we kept fairly dry.
On Sunday we watched a lot of races, particularly the guys crews, and helped them get in and out of the water on time. I coxed one of the guys' four person boats: sat in the front, facing the direction the boat was going, and steered and gave encouraging yelling and calls to the rowers. Its pretty fun, cause the guys row hard, and you sit at ease cause you aren't rowing, but you are most definitely in the competition, you line up the boat at the starting line, you see where the boat is going and how close it is to the other teams during the race. Some people go to school and row for a team just for that position...scholarship, sort of like with any sport position. In case you were wondering, our school does not have anyone on scholarship for rowing, too social?
Sunday we packed up our stuff and drove a couple hours to JoBurg where we left our stuff at the Sleek Backpackers and went out for the post-regatta party with the other school teams, at a country club type of place. It was a lot of fun, probably one of the best nights I have had in South Africa, a culmination of the season. And just cause it was great hanging with the crew and seeing familiar faces from the last regatta. Lots of dancing, House Music is THE music here. It is like electronica but with more words and it is generally upbeat, not angry or headbanger. Well, the party was great, and as usual, our team MADE the party, haha! After the party ended, not wanting to sleep we drove around a while, in the Quantum, a giant minibus we often rent out for travel, and finally made it back in the wee hours to our beds at the hostel.
Monday we slowly made it back to Maritzburg where we all unpacked and settled back into school life.
Let me explain, Monday was a national holiday because that was the date, the 27th of April, when South Africa had its first democratic election in 1994. So, yes last Wednesday was a holiday, so that people could go out and vote, but the 27th is a holiday so that people that work the voting stations (Wednesday) really do recognize the special date, by not working either.
School is tough. I believe it is because I have not been putting in as much time on the weekends... well this next weekend is another 3day weekend, and I am not travelling, it is school time. That is how it goes. And, we are done with regattas for now, so I won't have as many posts about rowing, sadly.
Currently, I have a PowerPoint presentation on cauliflower mosaic virus to give on Thursday, and a test that day too. Then a paper on organic farming and foods due on Monday. Along with a test in Animal Science. Will be busy.
I would love to write more about what I observed last Wednesday at the polling station, it could be sort of long, though, so I will plan another post this week.
Oh, and, it is a friend's 21st this evening, woo whoo!
So that is all for now. (right, birthday girl, Emily, in the white)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Saturday I spent the morning in the computer lab with my virology group working on a paper and powerpoint presentation that we are to submit next week. Then in the afternoon I went to Durban with some friends to see my very first rugby game!! Lots of fun!
That night we walked on Florida Rd. the supposedly happening place in Durban...it was not that crazy, but it was a little nicer than other parts of the city.
Sunday we walked out of our hostel and into uShaka (named after the Zulu king) water park. We spent the day between the water slides and the beach where we rented kayaks and body surfed. I think next time I go to Durban I am going to try surfing. I like waterskiing...maybe similar?! (to the left a photo of the beach in Durban, part of the "Golden Mile")
So, Monday has once again arrived and I am back to classes, writing lab reports for Animal Science, volunteering for my political science internship based class. It is going well.
Wednesday is election day, national holiday. Zuma is expected to win, even though many people are unhappy about this. Some argue he is a criminal. As one poster put up by and ANC opposing party says: "Put criminals in jail, not in government (Independent Democrats)."
I am supposed to help monitor elections on Wednesday, as an observer, make notes about how the polling station is running (not just us students, there are many people from the community that are doing this, compensated appropriately, not as community service workers), through my PoliSci class, so, we will see, it should be a pretty big day!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Easter Vacation: Garden Route
Man, the words to describe this trip! I want to just talk and have it transform people’s minds. Anyway...Coffee Bay had “Hole in the Wall” a big island rock with a hole in the middle, caused by such strong wave action over the years
We went up the road to the world’s highest bungee jump (lower left), which I am still glad I did not do. I watched most of my friends, that was plenty of terror for me!
Then we carried on to Gansbaai, where we stayed the night to wake up bright and early to get in a cage with sharks swimming around us. This bay is credited with being home to more than 70% of all the photography and documentaries that are on TV these days. Inside the tour operator’s area they showed movies of underwater cage diving, they had teeth on display, they had photos of Matt Damon and Leo DiCaprio with the tour director, it was a fine established program. Thumbs up! A lot scarier than I thought it was going to be. Partly because of the suspense. The whole boat stays there looking at the chum line, bobbing up and down, waiting for a shark to snap on it. Not as common an occurrence as you would expect. No, you wait, until more than half the boat has gotten motion sickness, until the side of the boat is painted with “complementary breakfast,” until the six people waiting in the cage are too cold to wait any longer (and then they swap out with a drier bunch). the nthe shark creeps up, and BAM in your face!You wait until everyone has had the nice underwater, shrilling, life ending/death-breathing monster they call the Great White within an inch from their heads. The sharks feed on some 60000 seals that populate the rocky shores. (On a side note, I learned that a couple dolphins could take down a shark! They just ram into him until he cannot take the pressure).
That afternoon we drove towards Cape Town. We followed the Garden Route and saw some nice beaches. Beautiful coastline.
Upon entering Cape Town, we were shocked with the differing kinds of housing. The whole route we had taken showed and obvious trend from poorer, generally, to richer (that is moving from KwaZulu-Natal KZN to Western Cape)—everything from businesses to homes, to streets, to signs. There were still poor people in western Cape, but fewer. And we sort of expected this trend, but when we saw the repercussions of such a general pattern, there were no more words to describe it. The poor people in these “rich” areas of South Africa looked a heck of a lot more poor than the poor peoples’ neighborhoods here in KZN do. The shacky places were up on top of one another; the electricity wires were originating from a central pole, and hung low to the ground even until they reached a given shack. Heavy pollution (though not as bad as Naples, Italy last summer) more spread out garbage, not clumped in a heap. I have no idea if they have water nearby, most likely not piped to their shacks, maybe a central spot in the streets over. As usual, only coloreds and blacks walking around in these streets. Let me repeat, these streets are minutes from Cape Town. We just drove by.
The next day we hiked Table Mountain (view from top is on the right here). We started in Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens, Papa and Grandma would have LOVED them!! I even said that to my friends when we were walking there. Hiked up the mountain (via Skeleton Gorge) for a couple hours, very steep, even had ladders at some points! But the breathtaking panoramic views were worth it. We “took the scenic route” getting down, which left us quite exhausted—lost?! Anyway, not a big night, that one, had Mexican food yet again! (Yes it is alright here, they know Mexican about as well as Chevy’s does, so we’re happy). The next day, Saturday before Easter, we headed to V and A Waterfront for a look around, shopped, saw a snazzy hotel or two on the water there that I could have moved into! Shopped around for some crafts, had a mocha and then we took off for a scenic drive around the Cape Point.
We carried on and saw a camel on our drive back in to town, yes a camel! And then I got a nice call from my parents, wishing me well and saying they, too, were on a trip, really good to hear from them.
That night we checked into a hostel right in the thick of downtown Cape Town: Long St!!! it is crazy hectic loud from the afternoon, picks up around 8, and blares music, serves drinks, pours out people, until 5 AM. I made it until 3, but even then I could have kept on. Imagine Mardi Gras in New Orleans, just like that main drag there in New Orleans! I mean there is a bar/club interspersed by like 20 Backpackers hostels (they run like $10/night), so what can you NOT expect.
The day after Easter we took a wine tour, and I have to admit it was a lot like being a tourist in Healdsburg. We have it good in Sonoma County. Blessed for our earth. On the tour we went to four wineries, a host of wines at each. First was Simonsig, where we had a particularly nice wine, Redhill Pinotage, developed in Stellenbosch, soft red wine. They suggested pairing it with game meats. It is a dressed up, classy, enjoyable activity to go winery hopping. Someone drives for you, have a nice lunch, talk about more flavors than you could have thought of on your own. We even tasted goat cheeses at Fairview Winery. Overall the tour was a good way to wind down the trip. We slept well that night and early the next morning, half past three, we left our hostel to fly back to KZN. And we hit the ground running with school that is for sure. Vacation was awesome. It definitely gave me some perspective about how this town, PMB, (that I spend a majority of my time in) fits in to the rest of it's surrounding country. The country is more diverse than Zulu land. It is whiter in some areas, it is poorer in some areas, not that those are mutually exclusive, but that they are two extremes that we don’t experience in our college bubble.